The Supervisory Board’s foremost and most important task is to select suitable, qualified and experienced members for the Management Board and Supervisory Board and to recruit them for the company. The Supervisory Board must ensure that the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board have the knowledge, skills and experience required to properly fulfil their duties at all times.
The recruitment of suitable board members requires clear skills profiles that must be aligned with the company’s strategy and its current situation, i.e. these looks different if the company is in a reorganisation situation, a change of strategy or in a phase of international expansion. It is also important that a candidate can fit in with the existing team and integrate quickly, and that they fit in with the corporate culture. Trusting cooperation within the board is crucial for the success of the company.
A well-planned and managed succession process is key to the performance of the board, especially for board members. A change can have a significant impact on the company’s operations and strategy.

Structured succession planning for the prominent role of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the committee chairmen is of great importance for the Supervisory Board. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board plays a key role in the fulfilment of the Supervisory Board’s monitoring and advisory mandate. A good chairman characterises the culture of discussion and thus the quality of the deliberations in the full board in the sense of a participative management style, so that emotional conflicts are more likely to be avoided and a positive basic climate is created that enables a constructive and critical discussion of substantive issues in plenary sessions.
HEADSAHEAD’s services for supervisory boards: Together with the chairman of the supervisory board and, if necessary, the nomination committee, HEADSAHEAD’s competent and experienced consultants develop a long-term and robust succession plan that takes into account the current composition, the aforementioned points and the necessary flexibility in special situations. Thanks to our many years of extensive experience, we can provide you with expert support in succession planning for your management and supervisory boards. This involves designing an ongoing planning process in order to organise the transition and succession effectively and successfully. HEADSAHEAD consultants work closely with you to understand and manage the expectations of stakeholder groups. We work with you to develop the competency profiles to achieve the strategic goals set and make recommendations to ensure a smooth and effective succession process. The progress made is continuously tracked, also to ensure that the agreed timetables are adhered to. HEADSAHEAD thoroughly screens the candidates in question and presents you with those who are best suited.