
Martin Boit joins Headsahead

The renowned executive search consultancy HEADSAHEAD has received reinforcement. “We are very pleased to gain Martin Boit as a partner who, as an experienced executive search consultant, focuses on the search for executives in the growth industries of IT/technology, the services & services industry, and topics related to digital transformation. He also has many years of management experience as a managing director and board member in the IT, consumer, business services and telco sectors,” explain the two managing directors Ralf Kreutzberg and Dr. Michael Schorr.

The personnel consultancy HEADSAHEAD has been active in executive search for more than ten years, filling first and second level management positions as well as advisory and supervisory board mandates. HEADSAHEAD supports corporations, mid-sized companies, family businesses and family offices in recruiting the best leadership talent available.

Martin Boit initially worked for T-Mobile International GmbH in finance and business development positions in Europe and Asia. He later took on a management role in IT services at T-Systems International GmbH before joining the management team at Ocè (Canon) Deutschland GmbH, where he was in charge of managed services and outsourcing. He then served as CEO and Managing Director EMEA and on the board of the Japanese IT and consumer electronics manufacturer Wacom.

After his transfer to executive search, he spent several years as Managing Partner of an executive search firm specializing in IT and technology markets.

“I am very much looking forward to being able to support HEADSAHEAD in its targeted growth goals and to continue to work in the environment of the upper middle market and family businesses. I fully identify with HEADSAHEAD’s consulting approach and value framework,” said Boit.

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Martin Boit joins Headsahead